Favourable invisible UV ink/Favourable pre inking UV ink for UV light
Favourable invisible UV ink/Favourable pre inking UV ink for UV light
visible only under the UV light
Product No. No.110UVS the UV security inks, under normal lighting conditions as
Generally visible signature ink, but glows green under UV irradiation. This product number
No.110UVS UV security ink, with a good waterproof and light fading role performance in less than 40 seconds to complete the drying process. With the above features, this UV security ink can be used for the secret signature and executive bodies of the security ink.
This lightweight, long reach desk seal is designed for embossing heavier papers, yet it still features all the ease of use and durability in a compact housing.
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Guangzhou Goodluck Trading Co., Ltd.
stationary,rubber stamp materials, toy stamps, wax seals, embossing seals, and office stationery stamps etc
Address: Yuehua Commercial Building, NO.70, Chebei Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou,
Guangzhou, Guangdong
China, 510000
Tel: 86-020-66638767
Fax: 86-020-66638767