Chinese Herb Medicine
Taurine, an amino acid derivative found in meat and other animal foods (except for milk and milk products), appears to shield the heart from harm. It's best known for empowering bile acids to clear cholesterol from the body. It may also fight cellular troublemakers that can damage the heart. Studies in animals suggest that taurine lowers blood pressure as well--yet another heart-healthy property. Although research has produced conflicting results, taurine may also benefit vision disorders, epilepsy, and gallstones.
While the body synthesizes taurine on its own, strict vegetarians who consume no meat products may need to pay special attention to getting enough of this amino acid derivative. This is particularly relevant for vegetarian women who plan on having children; taurine participates in the development of the visual and central nervous systems of the growing fetus and infant.
Organic Herb Inc.
ATTN: Arene/Sales manager
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Changsha Organic Herb Inc.
herbal extracts
Address: NO.2405 Dushidongjia,Xiongju,Mawangdui North Road,
Changsha, Hunan
China, 410016
Tel: +86 731 2967871
Fax: +86 731 2967861