Chinese Herb Medicine
Care should be taken when using this herb. Research on R. rosea is still in its early stages, even though Russian scientists have studied the herb intensively. Clinical trials and more study are needed, however, before it's clear just what the plant can or can't do, and whether it may be harmful in certain circumstances.
Don't take rhodiola during pregnancy or while breast-feeding; risks have not been adequately studied.
Because of its stimulating nature, rhodiola should be avoided by individuals with bipolar (manic-depressive) disorder.
Ailments Dosage
Fibromyalgia 200-400 mg in the morning on an empty stomach as alternative to Siberian ginseng
Organic Herb Inc.
ATTN: Arene/Sales manager
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Changsha Organic Herb Inc.
herbal extracts
Address: NO.2405 Dushidongjia,Xiongju,Mawangdui North Road,
Changsha, Hunan
China, 410016
Tel: +86 731 2967871
Fax: +86 731 2967861