Newstar Stone Company
We specialize in Granite Countertop,vanity top,work top ,bar top ,Window Sill,
And Marble Countertop,vanity top,work top ,bar top,window sill ,wall tiles,
And travertine countertop and vantiy top ,aslo have stone sink ,stainless steel sink ,ceramic sink ,for the countertop and vanity top
The usually size have 22"x25"/31"/3 7"/41"/ 47"/51 "/60"/72 "/90" x 2cm for the vanity top ,and 96"/10 8"x2 6"/36"x2 cm/3cm, 72"x36"x3cm for the countertop
Aslo as per customer's require ,for more detail pls visit our website h t t p : / / w w w .s t o n e- e x po r t . co m and via mail to to Lancy lee
Welcome to all the custoner's to contact or inquiry to us
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Newstar Stone Company
Address: #608 Unit 10 Bishuiwan Quanzhou,
Quanzhou, Fujian
China, 362000
Tel: 86-595-22285926
Fax: 86-595-22287926