Guangzhou maohua accessories factory
Guangzhou MAOHUA fashion accessory factory was set up on 2007,we are locaed in Guangzhou and have our own factory,warehouse and shops,we are specialized in prodcuting various accessories for shoes and garments.our main products are rhinestone trims,rhinestone ornament,rhinestone mesh,rhinestone chains,shoe lace,rhinestones,rivits etc.
we have our designer and will have new products every month,we can accept customized
also,don't forget to contact MAOHUA if you have any request.we will afford our best for u.
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Guangzhou maohua accessories factory
shoe decoration , shoe accessories , shoe buckle
Address: No 1516,D1 Building,jixian road NO280, jiahe wanggang,baiyun district,,
guangzhou, guangdong
China, 510000
Tel: 0086 132 0207 1990