Faircoud Enterprise(Dongguan) Co Ltd


Dongguan Faircoud Enterprise Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise, devoting itself to the development and research of cold and hot compress technology and manufacturing.
We have staffs of technicians and engineers that are highly efficient in their field of expertise. We manufacture our own products in our facilities, with state of the art equipment.
Our main products are biological ice bags, ice boxes, cold and hot packs, soft cold packs, instant ice packs, instant hot packs, hand warmers, instant heaters, cold insulating agents, Ice King, blue ice, eye masks, fillet, masks, belts, insole, wine-covers, freezing medium and relating products

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Faircoud Enterprise(Dongguan) Co Ltd

hand warmer instant hot packs,gel pack,ice pack,eye mask,laptop cooler pads

Address: Mingzhu Rd shatian town,
Dongguan, Guangdong
China, 523000

Tel: 0086-769-81783537


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