Dexing Magnet Tech. Co., Ltd


Dexing Magnet Tech. Co., Ltd is specialized in the design, development and manufacture of magnetic materials and components, which includes permanent magnets, flexible Magnets and machinery. Our products are used in a variety of applications in the telecommunications, automotive, computer, CATV distribution, defense, medical electronics and consumer markets. With manufacturing bases in both USA and Europe and applications engineering staffed facilities around the world, Dexing Magnetic Materials is perfectly positioned to provide local support to our customers for all of their magnetic needs

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Dexing Magnet Tech. Co., Ltd

fridge magnets

Address: No.86-101, RD west Jinshan, Huli Dist., Xiamen,China 361009,
Xiamen, Fujian
China, 361009

Tel: 0086-592-5237772
Fax: 0086-592-5237901


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