Hebei Bazhou DeLi Power Tools Factory
Founded in 1998, Bazhou DeLi Power Tools Factory Tools locates in Bazhou of Hebei province, 90km away from Beijing, the transportation is quite convenient. I covers an area of 9600 square meters, has three independent production plants, and maintains good cooperative relationship with many domestic and foreign construction tool production enterprises. Bazhou DeLi Power Tools Factory Tools is a comprehensive enterprise that integrates independent production and agency factor in to a whole, mainly produces and sales electric power, communication, lifting and insulation etc. construction tools.
Lastest Products
Hebei Bazhou DeLi Power Tools Factory
fiberglass duct rodder
Address: East Industrial Zone, North Loop Road, Bazhou, Hebei,
bazhou, hebei
China, 065700
Tel: 0316-7902101
Fax: 0316-7869911