Dongguan Houjie Guanglicheng Leather Goods Factory
Dongguan Houjie Guanglicheng Leather Goods Factory, founded in 1999, is located in Dongguan City, an important manufacturing base of luggage and bag in Guangdong Province, China.
For nearly 10 years, we have developed from a small family workshop of no more than 20 people to more than 200 employees. We have been holding the tenet of "Quality is the life of an enterprise; credit standing is the root of an enterprise; customers is the source of an enterprise". Our factory mainly produces computer bags, luggage, mountaineering backpacks, school bags, ice bags, beach bags, briefcases, reusable shopping bags and various high, medium and low-grade different grades of products.
Customers' orders are the main sources of our production, while we can also design and manufacture products to meet customers' demands. Our high-quality design and development team perfects the management system and guarantees to manufacture products of high quality. We have good credit standing in the field.
We learn the essence of the world major brands and combine individualized design in order to make sure that our products always follow the world fashion trend. By using ISO management system, our factory ensures product quality and delivery the goods with low costs. Now we show our factory to overseas visitors through Alibaba business networking platform. Through this platform, we hope that can be geared to international standards, and have more customers and friends around the world.
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Dongguan Houjie Guanglicheng Leather Goods Factory
laptop bag
Address: No.1 Chaxiaxincun Dongguan City ,Guangdong Province,
Dongguan, Guangdong
China, 523000
Tel: 0086-769-22627002
Fax: 0086-769-22627002