Audio & Video Equipment
2.4G Digital Wireless Tour Guide System&Equipment
A tour guide system is a wireless and portable radio system used to transmit an audio message from a presenter to listeners.
A tour guide system consists of a microphone transmitter for the presenter, receivers for the audience and a charger storage case.
Breifly speaking:
Tour Guide System= Transmitter with microphone+ Receiver with headset+Charging case+ Storage Case
Our tour guide system adop high frequency 2.4G working frequency,it& acute;s legal and international license frequency.
We adop complete Digital wireless audio transmission technology,anti-interference,long distance transmission up to 150m between presenter and receivers.
1. UHF Frenquency 2.4G is legal and international free licesen,
2.Complete digital audio transmission technology,anti-interference.
3.Long distance transmission and receiving up to 150m.
4. 8-95 Optional channels.For more groups use at same time on same occasion.
5. LCD display function with Volume&Channels.
6. Simultaneous interpretation.
7.Channels with record function
Packing details:
Storage case: 50 receivers+ 2 transmitters
Charging case: 20/28/30 socket charging case for different receivers.
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Wise Unite System Technology Co.,Ltd
tour guide system,wireless conference system,interpretation system
Address: 6th A block,Shenzhen,
Shenzhen, Guangdong
China, 518000
Tel: 86-755-27846872
Fax: 86-755-83350115