Mica, Asbestos, Quartz & Sand
Opaque Quartz Rod
Our products are mainly Clear Quartz Tube with the diameter from 1.5mm to 120mm, UV Quartz Tube, Ozone free Quartz tube, Low Hydroxy Quartz Tube , Opaque Quartz Tube, Quartz rod , Quartz bulb, Quartz Plate etc. With the volume production capability, advanced QC system and R&D, our company is one-up in the Quartz insudtry in China. Our customer are mainly in USA, Japan, Korea, Germany, Turkey, Agentina, Syria etc.
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Lianyungang Highborn Quartz Products Co.,Ltd
Address: Donghai Developing Zone, Donghai County Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province,
jiangsu, Jiangsu
China, 222300
Tel: 0086-0518-3050428
Fax: 0086-0518-3050429