Purifier, Filter & Water Process

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Sell Turbine oil purifier

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Contact person: Susan Huang
Contact Email: offeroilpurifier@yahoo.com OR selloilpurifier@gmail.com
Tel: 0086-23-86197060
Mobile: 0086-13647641182
Fax: 0086-23-86197078
MSN: susanhuang0101@hotmail.com
Skype: susanhuang1984
Yahoo messenger ID: offeroilpurifier

Key words: oil purifier, oil filter, oil filtering, oil purify, oil filtration, oil purification, oil recycling, oil treatment, oil regeneration, oil restoration

It is used for treating the unqualified turbine oil, especially the seriously emulsified turbine oil. This product, which can rapidly and effectively remove the water, gas and impurities, aim at turbine oil鈥檚 nature of high water content, easy emulsification and high impurity content, and make the oil recover the new oil鈥檚 nature.

oil purifier, oil filtering,

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Sell Vacuum Lubricating Oil Purifier...

China Zhong Neng Oil Purifier Manufacture Co.,Ltd

oil purifier

Address: JIulongpo,
Chongqing, Chongqing
China, 400039

Tel: 0086-23-86197060
Fax: 0086-23-86197078


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