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98.36% Andarine(S4) Sarms Powder Online from
Sell CAS: 401900-40-1 Andarine S4 Bodybuilding Sarms Steroid Hormone Powder for healthy body builders
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It is a sarm, a selective androgen receptor modulator and one of the sarms currently being studied (s4 studies have been stopped due to some toxic effects of the metabolite M1 that binds to the occular receptor). S-4 is the weakest in anabolic activity, but one of the most androgenic, being 1/3 as strong as testosterone at binding to the androgen receptor.
The best part of s4 is the fact that it causes a drying out of the muscle and the skin surrounding it, and in turn it binds very well to the androgen muscle receptors, hardening and sharpening the muscle, so towards the end of a cycle it would prove to be very effective. It could possibly be used as a pre-contest hardener combined with other muscle hardening compounds.
SARMS s-4 causes significant weight loss by binding to the androgen receptors - it allows fat to be oxidised, and it displays potent nutrient partitioning affects, causing more calories to be used to build and repair muscle. In addition, it has mild anti-oestrogen qualities, and will lower oestrogen over a 4 week period. Recovery from an s4 cycle is pretty straight easy, so despite the mild suppression s4 is still a very useful SARM.
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