Beauty Supplies
Working theory
it creates an effect like internal Explosion. It means that the expansion and compression of wave produce a lot of tiny space inside the liquid. The gas and vapour exist in these tiny space. In the compression cycle, supersonic wave impose a positive pressure on liquid molecule, whereas a negative pressure will be created through the expansion cycle. There is a cohesion effect inside the liquid or biological tissues. Inside the low-density lipocyte,the cohesive effects are comparatively weak. A negative pressure, which is relative low, can create tissue gaps easily. It is called as Cavitations in physics. The explosion effects inside and outside the cells will increase the molecular movements, so as to achieve an high
energy state, then lead to the lipocyte cracking.
3 polar RF handle for face treatment.
6 polar handle for body treatment.
2 polar working head for eyes
M70 cavitation handle for fat burning
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Beijing SHHB Technology Co., Ltd
weight loss machine锛宧air removal machine锛宎nti aging machine
Address: No.485, Zhonghua North Street,
Handan, Heibei
China, 056004
Tel: 0086-310-5308616