Machinery & Equipment
Shen zhen Mingda Technology Co.,Ltd
Unit 2, Huakang building, Huafu Road,
Futian district, Shenzhen, China
MD-G032 Wrist strap online monitor for cleanroom / ESD wrist strap tester
Detailed Product Description:
1.alarm automatically
2.high precision
3.factory price
4.without noise
Made of high precision electronic components,this product is highly precise,quick,small ( 110*58*28mm),light ( 110g) and easy to operate.
It could alarm automatically towards body wrist strap earth system,
and real-time monitor the work status of anti-static wrist strap;being
so small,the monitor nearly takes up no room,and operates without
noise.It will provide reliable insurance to wrist strap earth system in
anti-static work area.
* To monitor two pieces wrist strap at the same time.
* Earth system of body wrist strap in normal operation;no noise,green light
* on Earth system of body wrist strap in circuit-broken status:buzz noise,red light glittering
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Shen zhen Mingda Technology Co.,Ltd
Address: Unit 2, Huakang building, Huafu Road, Futian district, Shenzhen, China,
shenzhen, Guangdong
China, 518035
Tel: 0086-0755-83360136
Fax: 0086-0755-82783379