Building Materials
Black basalt is a black-colored stone with a high luster (after polishing). All sizes and shapes are available for flooring, wall-cladding and for use as window sills and countertops. Black basalt is one of the hardest stone products available and is very useful in the garden and for pathways, dooryards and driveways.
We process two kinds of basalt, one is black, and hardness is excellent. Flooring tiles, wall cladding, countertop, window sills, and driveway cube sets are available. Another is grey color,the holes are bigger, available for pavers.
Please visit our website: www globalstoneexport com for more information.
And contact with us: sales at globalstoneexport com
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Global Stone Export Co.,Ltd
China granite
Address: 12 F , Metal Building , Dongdu Road, Xiamen Fujian China .,
Xiamen, Fujian
China, 361009
Tel: 0086-0592-5020709
Fax: 0086-0592-5020709