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Western Medicine Levonorgestrel Contracptive Drug Anticonceptive The pill GMP Via Oral




Levonorgestrel 0.75mg Tablets



It is used to reduce the chances of becoming pregnant after unprotected sexual intercourse. It contains the active ingredient levonorgestrel , which is a synthetic derivative of the naturally occurring female sex hormone , progesterone.


Dosage & Administration

It is used for Emergency contraception within 72 hours of unprotected sex.

It is administred by oral.


Side effects

Medicines and their possible side effects can affect individual prople in different ways.

The following are some of the side effects that are known to be associated with this medicine.

Because a side effect is stated here , it does not mean that all people using this medicine will

experience that or any side effect.



Abdominal pain




Nausea and vomiting

Breast tenderness

Menstrual spotting between periods

Early or delayed onset of next menstrual period


The side effects listed above may not include all of the side effects reported by the drug& acute;s manufacturer.



Use with caution in Crohn& acute;s disease.

Not to be used in?

> Pregnancy ;

> Women who have had unprotected intercourse more than 72 hours


Previously , or whose menstrual period is overdue.


This medicine should not be used if you are allergic to one or any of its ingredient.


Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you have previously experienced such an allergy.


If you feel you have experienced an allergic reaction , stop using this medicine and inform your doctor or pharmacist immediately.


Warning & Precaution



New instructions for taking the morning after pill are to take the two tablets of this medicine together as soon as possible , preferably within 12 hours and no later than 72 hours after unprotected sex (see above). If you are sick within three hours of taking the two tablets , another two tablets should be take immediately.

You should consult your doctor , pharmacist or family planning clinic for advice and to obtain another two tablets.

The use of emergency contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.


The preparation of levonorgestrel that is availlable to buy from pharmacies ( Levonelle) can not be sold to girls under 16 years of age except in exceptional circumstances. Girls under 16 who need emergency contraception are advised to consult a doctor , family planning clinic or casualty department.


If your next menstrual period after taking this medicine is more tahn 5 days late , or is abnormal in any way , you should consult your doctor for a pregnancy test.

The morning after pill does not provide continued contraceptive cover. You should use a barrier method of contraception such as a condom , even if you are taking the pill , until your next period comes.


This medicine will not always prevent a pregnancy . If you do become pregnant after taking this medicine there is a possibility that the pregnancy will be ectopic ( ie occuring in the fallopian tubes rather than the womb).


This medicine is not recommended for women with severely decreased liver funcion.


Your doctor or pharmacist will probably ask about your last period and when you last had sex in order to make sure this medicine is suitable for you. This medicine can be used at any point during your menstrual cycle , apart from if your period is late. If your period is late , or your last period was more than five days late or unusually light or heavy , you should tell your doctor or pharmacist , as you may already be pregnant and this medicine will not work.


This medicine should only be used as an emergency measure. It is not recommended for repeated use , as it is possible that it can disrupt your menstrual cycle




The effectiveness of this medicine may be reduced if the following medicines are also being taken:


- Rifamycins such as rifabutin and rifampicin

- Antiepileptic medicines such as carbamazepine , phenytoin , phenobarbital and primidone

- Griseofulvin

- Ritonavir

- The herbal remedy St Jonn& acute;s wort.


This medicine may increase the blood levels of ciclosporin.


Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any of these medicines before taking the morning- after pill.




Store in a cool , dry place. Protect from light.



0.75mg per tablet , 10T tablets per box.


Shelf-life 4 years.

- - - -
?Sistema del cuerpo | ? | ? |
? | ? ? Muy frecuentes(>1/10) | ? ?Frecuentes(>1/100) |
Sistema reproductor de la? ? mama | El sangrado no relacionado? con menstruacion | Retraso de la menstruacion mas de 7 dias Sangrado irregular y manchado sensibilidad en los senos |
Sistema nervioso | Dolor de cabeza | Mareos |
Sistema gastrointestinal? | Dolor abdominal baja | DIARREA |
General | Fatiga | ? |
- - - -











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