Medical Equipment
Economic Anesthesia Ventilator, with LCD display, and with necessary monitoring and alarm functions to make the operation safety.
Respiration mode: IPPV, SIMV, MAUAL
Display: 5.5?SNT screen
Waveform: P-t, V-t
Tidal volume: 50 ~ 1600ml
Breath frequency: 1~ 65Bpm
I:E ratio: 8:1 ~ 1:8
Alarm parameters: High pressure alarm, Low pressure alarm, O2 source lost alarm, AC power lost alarm
High pressure alarm limit: 20 ~ 60cmH2O
Low pressure alarm limit: 0 ~ 20cmH2O
Monitor parameter: Tidal volume, MV, Ppeak, PEEP, respiratory frequency, I:E ratio
Safety valve pressure limit: 6Kpa
Good air tightness, high reliability, and minor respiration impedance
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Anesthesia Ventilator TH-1...
Beijing Read Eagle Technology Co., Ltd.
anesthesia machine
Address: No.5 Mei'an Rd., Shilong Economic Development Area, Mentougou District,
beijing, Beijing
China, 102308
Tel: 0086-10-88696170
Fax: 0086-410-60805205