Slate, Marble, Granite & Stone
Xiamen Capot Stone specializes in production of a comprehensive range of granite tombstone (gravestone), monuments, memorials and correlative accessories.
We can supply any customized design of your choice in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, colors and finishes. We guarantees that all memorials are of excellent workmanship and sound materials with prompt supply.
·atest european and international designs
·ranite memorials, monuments & grave markers
·lat grass markers, slant marker, bevel marker
·eadstones, ledgers, kerbsets, posts & vases
·vailable in a variety of sizes and colours
·tandard or customised
·or full container loads direct from the producer prices.
For more information about our products, please kindly visit our website #capotstone and feel free to contact us sales#capotstone
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Xiamen Capot Stone Co., Ltd.
stone, granite, marble,
Address: 7D Bilida Building, No.185, Lianxiu Li,
Xiamen, Other
China, 361009
Tel: 0086-592-5532768
Fax: 0086-592-5526368