Description products include sports shoes, brand leisure shoes and other fashion goods such as nike air max, air jordan shoes, nike shox, Winter Boots, Nike Running shoes, designer handbag, Clothes.,Our main buyers are from USA, Europe, Australia and Canada, 98% of them are very satisfied with our products.
1) Our faith: No bottom price, only amazing price;
2) Pack:All products go with original packing, bags and tags.
3) Minimum order and drop shipping are acceptable;
4) You can mix style, size and colors in one order;
5) No custom problem shipped by UPS, EMS, DHL, FedEx & TNT;
6) 5-7 days for shipping, Fast & safe shipping;
7) We welcome you to e-mail, telephone order and visit to our office. We also welcome your sample for OEM and ODM order;
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bonzershoes Co., LTD.
nike air max, nike air jordan, nike free run, nike shoes, puma shoes, designer shoes, sunglasses, jeans, hoodies, coats, T-shirts, underwear, belts
Address: China,
Hongkong, beimo
United States, 351100
Tel: 181028392832
Fax: 12