Rubber & Plastics
Product Features
- 99.9% UV protection from the sun rays
- Lightweight ?easy to lift and install, and only 1/15th the weight of glass.
4mm twin wall sheets: 0.9kg/m2,
6mm twin wall sheets: 1.2kg/m2
8mm twin wall sheets: 1.5kg/m2;
10mm twin wall sheets: 1.7kg/m2.
- High Impact Strength
- Early fire Hazard ?(Non Flammable) ?self extinguishing.
- Suitable for high wind areas
- Durability: withheld accelerated test at times ?600 Hrs
Standard Color: clear, blue, green, brown, opal
Standard Width: 2100mm
Standard length: 5800mm
We provide cut to size service
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top plastics
polycarbonate sheet
Address: no248 sun rd,
suzhou, Jiangsu
China, 215021
Tel: 86-0-13915514663